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Every code coupling Liform React Final with a concrete UI representation lives inside the theme so that you can replace it with components to your liking.


The minimal valid theme looks like this:

const theme = {
    render: {
        container: props => <form>{props.children}</form>

theme.render.container will be called by <Liform> with Final Form’s FormRenderProps, the LiformContext object providing state and callbacks for Liform as well as the compiled children.


The theme.render.field callback should be part of any theme.

import { renderField } from 'liform-react-final'
const theme = {
    render: {
        field: renderField,

Components receiving liform per prop or LiformContext can relay rendering of fields per liform.render.field(props) to that function.

The default implementation renderField tries to find an appropriate component configuration in theme.field. It searches for the the field’s schema.widget (or each of its elements if it is an array) and schema.type.

const theme = {
    field: {
        string: {
            render: myStringRenderer,
            additionalProp: 'foo',
        special: mySpecialWidget,

If the found configuration is a function it will be called with the props as received by renderField.

If the found configuration is an object renderField renders a Final Form’s Field. Object configurations need a render or component property or renderField needs to be called with props.children. props.children receive the unfiltered Final Form FieldRenderProps while render/component receive adjusted props. (Both receive any additional props provided per renderField or theme.field configuration.)

Field render

Inside Final Form’s Field renderFinalField is used to adjust props. If you need to render a Field in a special widget function yourself, use it to provide the same features.

  • It adds the field name as used by Final Form as extra prop and changes to a pure HTML form format.

  • It corrects input.value to not violate schema.type.

  • It changes meta.error to match liform.validationErrors (if dirty) or liform.meta.errors (if pristine) for the field. As Liform React Final provides flat error handling, this makes meta.error an array if truthy and works also for arrays and objects with children.


If props.children is not a function, the <Liform> component compiles the children to pass to the container from props.children.

A theme can provide sections to use as basis for this transformation.

    sections: {
        foo: undefined,
        bar: <div>Important notice</div>,
        baz: props => <div>Some runtime content</div>

When calling <Liform> in different parts of your App, you can adjust representation as simple as:

<Liform {...liformProps} theme={myThemeWithSections}>
    <foo>Something local</foo>

Leading to a representation roughly like:

            <foo>Something local</foo>
            <div>Important notice</div>
            <div>Some runtime content</div>

Don’t forget that at some point your theme should render the actual form though. ;)