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Default theme

The default theme provides a representation with native HTML elements that you can style per CSS or use as a starting point to provide your own theme.


Per default inside the Final Form Component, Liform renders a <form> container. Inside that container it renders four children:

  • header - empty,
  • form - containing the fields according to schema
  • footer - containing errors that are global or don’t have a corresponding field)
  • action - containing a reset and a submit button

You can replace any of these and add extra content like:

        This text will be rendered inside the <form> container, but above the fields.
        The <header> element is not part of the output.
        This text will be rendered inside the <form> container below everything else.
        The <div> element is part of the output.

If you provide a function it will be called with the Final Form FormRenderProps and a liform prop containing the LiformApi.

    <header>{(renderProps) => renderProps.dirty ?
        'Submit the form when you are ready.' :
        'Edit some elements.'

You can replace all sections with a function:

<Liform>{(renderProps) => "This will be the only thing inside <form>"}</Liform>